On April 19th I accepted an offer from Edmunds.com, Inc. in Santa Monica California.
I received notification about an open position through one of my LinkedIn contacts which I happened to have met at the Southern California Linux Expo a few years back.
I had just completed an Engineering Immersion program that helped get a solid grasp on Computer Science fundamentals that provided me with enough confidence to pass a full 5-hour interview.
I don’t know much about Cars. I can change my oil, change a flat tire and check my tire pressure but that’s about it.
I was hired to work on a team that specializes in creating “Tier 3 products” for automotive dealerships. The group I’ll be working on is the CarCode team which creates a product that helps dealers increase their sales. I am pretty excited!
One of the best things I’ve heard so far about working at Edmunds is their fantastic company culture.
I’ve never worked anywhere like this before. I keep pinching myself to make sure I’m awake.
I mean take a look at this:
It’s a dream come true, and I can’t wait to see how this new journey plays out!